
This company website was my first professional web development project. While the project itself was not particularly complex, it provided invaluable experience in understanding and translating client needs into a functional and aesthetically pleasing website.

Picture of the project


The client wanted a website that could be easily translated into multiple languages. I used the next-intl library to implement internationalization, allowing the users to easily switch between languages.

Form validation

This part was particularly challenging for me since I had never worked with form validation before, neither on implementing a real contact form. With some research I came across some librairies such as react-hook-form for the form validation, paired with zod for the schema validation. After reading the documentation I was able to make it work. I was very proud !


After all the form validation was done, it was time to dig into the email sending part. I had used emailjs before, but I wanted a more complete and customizable solution. I found Resend, a service that allows you to send emails. And after trial, error and reading the documentation, I managed to make it work.